Tuesday, May 21, 2024

So much going on

For those that didn't read what I wrote so many years ago, the tl-dr version is that I had what some may call a nervous breakdown. That isn't used as a formal diagnostic or clinical term these days but it's the best way to describe what happened to me. I don't think I've ever been the same as I was before that year or so that consumed me whole. I spent my whole life trying to normalize what I later reflected on as anxiety and depression present in me at a really young age. I would tell myself that I had days where I was sick, that I ate something bad, anything to explain a panic attack as anything but a panic attack. 

 I've been silent as hell on here and many may perceive that as a good thing. I began blogging when my mental illness literally took over my mind and body. I wrote it all out as a means for me to be able to remember what I was going through so I'd learn from it (hopefully!) and never forget the hardships I overcame. 

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